Training on Climate Resilient Agriculture conducted

Chandel, 29/07/2024: A training programme under ‘Climate Resilient Agriculture’ was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Chandel at its conference hall under the ‘National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)’ Project on Monday.According to a KVK, Chandel release, NICRA Project, Chandel nodal officer Dr Kangjam Sonamani Singh pointed out that climate change is a reality with increasing trend in temperature, precipitation and emission of greenhouse gases also observed in Chandel district.The district is also projected to experience more of extreme rainfall and reduction in crop yields.As subsistence level farming is coupled with prevalent shifting cultivation, the small and marginal farmers will be most affected due to climate change.Hence, there is an urgent need for devising climate proof plan and climate ready policy for climate compatible agricultural development in Chandel, he said delivering the keynote address. KVK, Chandel senior scientist and head Dr A Ameeta Devi also spoke as resource persons at the programme, said the release, adding that input materials in the form of ducklings, goats, feed, medicines, feed supplements, shade net, moisture meter, weighing balance, water pumps, French bean seeds and hand tools were distributed to the 25 farmers who participated in the training.

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