Chandel, 05/12/2021:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chandel organized the World Soil Day under the theme “Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity” at the Conference Hall. The day was observed to raise awareness of the need to maintain not only healthy ecosystems but also mental and physical well-being of human society by addressing the ever-increasing challenges in soil management, fighting soil salinization issues, increasing soil health awareness and mobilising all sections of society to do their bit in improving soil health. The programme was attended by Naoram Pritam Singh, SDO, Chandel; Kshetrimayum Prava Devi, District Horticulture Officer, Chandel and Dr. A. Ameeta Devi, Head i/c as the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and Functional President respectively. Dr. K. Sonamani Singh, SMS (Agril. Engg.), KVK, Chandel, while giving the key note address mirrored the environmental concerns and views shared widely in the global platform. The very word “human” is linked to the Latin word “humus” which means ground or soil. So, without humus, human life is unsustainable. He stressed that the day is specially marked as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources. Farming in the district of Chandel though almost organic by default still faces the threat of serious soil damage due to the unaccounted deforestation especially in the areas where shifting cultivation is the norm. Water depletion is visible but soil erosion is less dramatically apparent. Since we still see standing crops we tend to overlook how impoverished our soil quality is. Humanity cannot speak of prosperity, equality or even spirituality if it takes for granted the very earth on which it stands. Drastic soil degradation, in turn, could mean mass urban migrations, social tensions and disruption of lives and livelihood and also lower levels of nourishment. Dr. A. Ameeta Devi during her speech encouraged the farmers to aware the importance of soil health and increase farm productivity. District Horticulture Officer, Chandel Kshetrimayum Prava Devi, extolled the farmers to undertake both use and production of organic manure in their own domestic level by segregating and recycling the household wastes. And N. Pritam Singh, stressed the need for the farmers of the district to be sincere and serious in their approach towards environment and to leave it clean and green for the next generation. He spoke on the present and common issues encountered by the farmers and advocated for a holistic approach towards a prosperous farming in collaboration with officials of KVK and other line departments. Later various vegetable seeds and soil health cards were distributed to the participating farmers. The programme ended with vote of thanks by Ts. Leenda Monsang, SMS (Plant Breeding) and the occasion was attended by 27 farmers and staff of KVK Chandel.
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