Training programme on Quality seed Production of Kharif cereals and oilseeds

One day training programme on Quality seed Production of Kharif cereals and oilseeds under ICAR Seed Project was conducted on 20/04/2018 at KVK Chandel, Monsang Pantha, Chandel. The training was organised by ICAR – RC for NEH Region Manipur Centre in collaboration with KVK Chandel. The training programme was attended by Dr. I.M Singh, Joint Director, ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre and Dr. Deepak Singh, Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK Chandel. In the technical session, Dr. I.M Singh, Joint Director, ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre spoke on the Concept of Quality Seed Production under participatory approach. He informed the farmers to double their income through effective seed production; S. Gunamani Singh, SMS (Plant Breeding), KVK Imphal West, spoke on package of practices of Rice Seed Production in Hill areas; Dr. Kl. Levis Chongloi, ACTO (Agronomy), KVK Chandel spoke on promoting improved technology of Kharif oilseeds production in the foothills of Chandel and Ts. Leenda Monsang, ACTO (Plant Breeding), KVK Chandel spoke on enhancing of seed production in Maize, Soybean and Groundnut in Chandel District. Thereafter, an interaction between the farmers and experts on seed production was also conducted. A total of 30 seed producing farmers had attended the training.

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Training cum Awareness programme for Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights

A Training cum Awareness programme for Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights under PPV & FRA  was conducted on 8th March, 2018 at KVK Chandel. The programme was organised  by KVK Chandel and sponsored by PPV & FR Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India. The programme was attended by Shri Ksh. Siddharth, MCS, SDO, Chandel; Dr. I.M Singh, Joint Director, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre and Dr. Deepak Singh, Sr. Scientist and Head, KVK Chandel as Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and Functional President respectively. In the technical session, Dr. I. M Singh,  Joint Director, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre spoke on the “Importance of Indigenous plant varieties and local germplasm in modern agriculture”,   while  Ts. Leenda Monsang, ACTO (Plant Breeding), KVK Chandel and Shri Gunamani Singh, SMS (Plant Breeding), KVK Imphal West lectured on the topic “Registration and Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights under PPV & FR Act, 2001”  and “Implementation of PPV & FR Act, 2001 in India” respectively. Later on Film Show on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 was conducted with farmer and scientist interaction. The training was attended by farmers from different blocks of Chandel District.

Video Clip: Film Show on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001

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Two days training programme on promoting the improved technology of maize production

The two days training programme from 05 – 06 February, 2018 on promoting the improved technology of maize production in NEH region was conducted at KVK Chandel. The programme was graced by Dr. Deepak Singh, senior scientist and head, Kvk Chandel, Dr. M. A. Ansari, scientist, ICAR Manipur center, Eric. Kanta Singh, ACTO, Imphal West and Dr. Khumlo Levish Chongloi, ACTO (Agronomy ).  The training programme organised by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chandel under the sponsorship of ICAR- Indian Institute of Maize Research, PAU Campus, Ludhiana, Punjab. Addressing the gathering, the dignitaries at the event emphasized on the introduction of suitable high yielding varieties of maize in the hilly regions. Successful maize production in the North Eastern Himalayan Region depends on the correct choice of genotypes of maize and applications to sustain the environment as well as agricultural production since the region have complex climatic variability which is different from other parts of the country, said experts at the event. High yielding varieties (HYV) of maize are widely adopted in other parts of country, but in the NEHR, most of the farmers are growing low yielding local varieties. Maize grains are not only important for human consumption but is also an integral feed for poultry and other livestocks. Farmers in NEH region need to adopt pre kharif maize cropping system which will increase the production as compared to traditional mono-cropping system currently adopted by farmers, stated the experts. The team of scientists delivered lectures on cultivation practices- fertilizer management and soil management. The training was attended by 45 farmers from the surrounding villages of the District and the maize seed var. HQPM-1 was distributed to the farmers.

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Food Processing Unit inaugurated at Monsangpantha and Lambung, Chandel

Chandel, 11/01/2018: Two food processing units – Sangvangrii Food Processing Unit, Monsangpantha and Parim Agro Food Processing Society, Lambung village were inaugurated by Dr. N. Prakash, Director, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam today.

The programmes were attended by Dr. Deepak Singh, Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK Chandel; Dr. SS Roy, Scientist (Horticulture), ICAR, Manipur Centre; Village Authority member of the two villages, SHGs and staff of KVK Chandel. The Food Processing Units were sponsored under Tribal Sub Plan to assist the women entrepreneurs/SHGs to promote women empowerment through doubling income.

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World Soil Day

World Soil Day was observed at KVK Chandel on 15/12/2017. The auspicious day could not be observed on 05/12/2017 due to unavoidable circumstances in the Chandel District Head Quarter. The event was attended by Deputy Commissioner, Chandel Shri. Krishna Kumar as chief guest, KVK, Chandel Senior Scientist and Head, Dr Deepak Singh as Functional President and District Agriculture Officer, Chandel Y Shyam and  Soil Scientist, ICAR, Manipur Centre, Dr Basanta Singh as guests of honour .

The event was participated by farmers from different parts of the district where soil cards and agricultural inputs were provided to them .

Dr Basanta and KVK, Chandel experts spoke on the techniques and methods to increase crop production, as resource persons.



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Food Processing Unit inaugurated at Chandonpokpi and Japhou, Chandel

Chandel, 30/10/2017: The Phaivar Food Processing Unit at Chandonpokpi village was inaugurated today by Deputy Commissioner of Chandel, Krishna Kumar, IAS as Chief Guest in the presents of Dr. I.M Singh, Joint Director, ICAR Research Complex, Manipur Centre and Dr. Deepak Singh, Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK Chandel. The inaugural programme was also attended by Village Authority and staff of KVK Chandel.

In the same day, another food processing unit at Japhou village was also inaugurated by Additional Deputy Commissioner, Chandel Shri. AS Elias. The programme was attended by Dr. I. Meghachandra Singh, Joint Director, ICAR Regional Centre for NEH Region, Manipur Centre and Japhou village chief Ng Maipakngam Monsang and Head of KVK Chandel Dr. Deepak Singh. The programme was also attended by SHG  members  and staff of KVK Chandel.


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Observance of Sankalp Se Siddhi

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Chandel, organised the “Sankalp Se Siddhi” or “Determination to Attainment” New India Movement 2017 – 2022, on 29th August 2017 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Conference Hall, Chandel. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Shri Letpao Haokip, Hon’ble Minister for Sports, Youth Affairs, Irrigation and Flood Control, Government of Manipur.

The function was graced by Shri Krishna Kumar, Deputy Commissioner, Chandel as Guest of Honour and Dr. Narendra Prakash, Joint Director, ICAR, Research Complex, Manipur as Functional President. In this occasion Shri As. Elias, ADM, Chandel; Shri Siddharath Singh, SDM, Chandel; Shri. N. Shokhongam Baite, SDM, Khengjoy and Shri Md. Zakiruddin, ASP, Chandel also attended the programme as dignitaries.

During the programme all dignitaries and participants took the Pledge to build a New India by 2022; an India that is devoid of corruption is clean, has no poverty, is free of terrorism, and has no distinction on the basis of caste and religion, which was administered by Shri Letpao Haokip.

Addressing the gathering, Shri Haokip emphasized on the need of equipping farmers with good quality seeds, organic fertilizers and irrigation facilities to increase their income. He also urged upon the farmers to insure their crops through The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (Prime Minister’s Crop Insurance Scheme) which was launched by Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi on 18 February 2016, stating that agriculture is highly susceptible to risks of natural calamities.

In conclusion, Shri Letpao Haokip called upon the KVKs, ICAR, District Administration, line departments and the farmers to work together to make Sankalp Se Siddhi a success by 2022.

Shri Krishna Kumar, Deputy Commissioner, Chandel stressed on the importance of “Sankalp Se Siddhi” and the District administration was planning to work on, pooling in all the available manpower and resources for the success of Government of India’s Vision.

Dr, Narendra Prakash, Joint Director, ICAR, Research Complex, Manipur elaborated the “Sankalp Se Siddhi” seven point programmes for doubling farmers’ income by 2022. The programme envisages doubling income of farmers by providing better irrigation facilities, ensuring high quality of planting material, enhancing availability of organic inputs, practicing soil test based fertilizer application and minimising post-harvest losses.

In the later part of the day, a film show on improved farming techniques was shown to the participating farmers. Around 110 farmers participated in the said programme.


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Training programme for extension functionaries on Micro – nutrients

One Day training programme for extension functionaries on the topic “Role of Micro Nutrients of Crops and its importance in soil fertility” was conducted at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chandel’s Training Hall on 28/08/2017. The training was attended by 20 (twenty) staffs of Other Tribal Backward Programme (OTBP), Christian Social Development Organisation (CSDO), Socio Rural Development Organisation (SRDO), North East Missionary Charitable Society (NEMCS) and Manipur Border Area Development Society (MBADS). The main resource persons were Dr. KL Levis Chongloi, ACTO (Agronomy) and Smt. Ts. Leenda Monsang, ACTO (Plant Breeding), KVK Chandel.

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Capacity building programme on Improved production Technology of pineapple


Three days capacity building programme on “Improved production Technology of pineapple” under Integrated Horticulture including Fisheries for NEH Region in India, a NEC funded project was kick started on 1st, August, 2017 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chandel’s Training Hall, Monsangpantha village, Chandel. The programme was organized by KVK, Chandel in collaboration with ICAR, Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre. The inaugural programme was attended by Shri. Krishna Kumar, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Chandel; Shri. Keisham Brojen, District Horticulture Officer, Chandel and Dr. N. Prakash, Joint Director, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre as Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and President respectively. A technical session was also conducted and the main resource persons were Shri. Keisham Brojen, District Horticulture Officer, Chandel, Dr. Ch. Premabati Devi, Scientist (Horticulture), ICAR, Manipur Centre and Dr. Y. Prabhabati Devi, ACTO (Home Science), KVK Chandel on the topic “Improved production technology of pineapple.”  In continuation of the training, experts of KVK Chandel trained the farmers on package of practices, diseases, nutrient management, storage, value addition and marketing of pineapple on 2nd & 3rd August, 2017.

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A one-day training programme on soil & water conservation measures in hills and health awareness programme on livestock and Poultry birds

A one-day  training programme on soil & water conservation measures in hills and health awareness programme on livestock and Poultry birds was organised at Sajik Tampak village, Chandel on 20/06/2017. Around 50 farmers participated in the said training. Dr. K. Sonamani Singh, ACTO (SWC) deliberated on the simples measures for conservation of soil & water resources in the hills and Dr. Ameeta Devi, ACTO (Animal Science) deliberated on the scientific rearing & management of livestock and poultry birds & control measures for common diseases. Dr. Deepak Singh, Senior Scientist, KVK, Chandel,  & Shri SK Shekhawat, Lt. Col., 21 Assam Rifles were also present in the said training. Interactive session was also conducted between farmers and dignitaries. Later saplings of papaya & tree bean were also distributed.

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