Field Day on Rapeseed Mustard conducted

Chandel, 20/02/2024:

Field Day on Rapeseed-Mustard variety Pusa Mustard – 27  was conducted today at Lamphoupasna Village, Chandel. The programme was conducted under Cluster Front Line Demonstration (CFLD) on Oilseeds, Rabi 2023-24.  The Field Day was attended by Dr. A. Ameeta Devi, Sr. Scientist & Head, ICAR – KVK Chandel and Bs. Lumhring Anal, Chief Lamphoupasna Village as the presidium member. In the keynote address by the Nodal Officer of CFLD Dr. Khumlo Levish, SMS (Agronomy) informed that under the programme 20 hectares have been covered in the District. And she elaborated that Rapeseed Mustard variety Pusa Mustard – 27 the average seed yield of the variety is 15.35 q/ha with about 41.7% oil content and is moderately tolerant to high temperature at seedling and seed development stage.  Dr. A.Ameeta Devi while lauding the farmers for enthusiastically involved in CFLD on Oilseeds programme under taken by KVK Chandel, she informed the farmers that Rapeseed Mustard variety Pusa Mustard – 27 matures in about 118 days after sowing, which is a short duration and beneficial for the farmers for double cropping and double income. Thereafter the programme, scientist and farmer interaction programme led by Dr. Khumlo Levish, SMS (Agronomy), Ts. Leenda Monsang, SMS (Plant Breeding), Ps. Lavid Anal, SMS (Horticulture), Dr. Y. Prabhabati Devi, SMS (Home Science) and Dr. K. Sonamani Singh, SMS (Agril. Engineering) was conducted. In coinciding with the Field Day, a field visit was organized at the Rapeseed Mustard variety Pusa Mustard – 27  field of Kl. Rungkham Anal of Lamphoupasna village. During the Field Day programme input rabi vegetable crops were distributed to the farmers. 52 farmers including staff of KVK Chandel have attended the programme.

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