Observance of World Environment Day

Chandel, 05/06/2024:

World Environment Day under the theme “Land Restoration, Desertification & Drought Resilience” was observed at the Conference Hall of KVK Chandel with Shri Abhijith K.V, IFS, DFO, Chandel as the Chief Guest.

Dr. Kangjam Sonamani Singh, Subject Matter Specialist (Soil & Water Conservation) in his keynote address stressed the need and importance of observing the environment day in the wake of recent catastrophic flood and water inundation which the state witnessed. He drove home KVK’s sincere efforts towards land restoration through various activities to promote jhum improvement. Though an age-old practice of the tribal farmers, jhum cultivation has long remained a big factor for land degradation. To promote sustainable farming, farmers have been assisted to incorporate the latest improved technologies as well as resource conservation methodologies to keep the environmental degradation to the minimum. He underlined that though the region is not exactly affected by drought, erratic and untimely rainfall has become the trend, which drastically affects the crop yield as well as productivity. With the harsh reality of changing weather pattern, he emphasized the need for farmers to incorporate less water requiring crops like soybean and groundnut which would not only save the farmers from probable total crop failure but also help in farm diversification and enhance farm income. He stressed the need of farmers to focus on early and short duration crop varieties which are recommended by ICAR, Manipur Centre for assured success in fields as well as to enable secondary crop by utilising the residual soil moisture. He expressed that aggressive afforestation and effective rainwater harvesting is the need of the hour

Dr A. Ameeta Devi, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK Chandel in her speech asked the farmers to practice tree plantation a lifelong habit whatever crop they prefer to grow or no matter how big or small their land holdings may be. Soil erosion control in the hills can be curbed only through proper conservation and promotion of tree orchards in the hills.

Shri Abhijith, K.V. IFS, District Forest Officer, Chandel urged the farmers not to put extreme pressure to the environment. As a part of afforestation, he stressed the need for planting of Gmelina arborea spp (Wang) instead of the usual eucalyptus trees since there are no paper-based industries in the state. Farmers need to adopt the latest scientific climate-friendly technologies in collaboration with the KVK. He stated that climate change is a stark reality and facing it is should be the collective effort of the entire society as a whole and not of a single NGO, student body, CSO or farmer. He reiterated that farmers should focus on the long term ecological balance and not just on short term gains based on tree felling and firewood collection.

Shri K. Pawan Sharma, Ranger, District Forest Office, Chandel stated that planting a whole load of trees are the only meaningful gift for the future generation as a buffer against natural calamities. Environmental disturbance has led to rare occurrence of severe flood and untimely rainfall in the state. Temperatures have reached even upto 40oC in the recent times. Planting of trees should be done in true spirit and with the purpose of ensuring survival and proper growth and not just for ritualistic photoshoot once a year. Prolonged care is needed for ensuring a cleaner and greener environment.

Around 517 saplings of papaya, jamun, treebean and jackfruit were distributed and also planted in the vicinity of the office premises. The programme was attended by 68 farmers and staff of KVK Chandel.

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