Training under KKA -II at Modi village

Chandel, 18.10.2018: 

 A one day training programme on Bee keeping, Mushroom Cultivation, Nutrition Gardening and awareness programme on Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna under “Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan – II” was conducted  at Modi village for the villagers of Modi and Hnatham , Chandel.

The inaugural programme was attended by Shri. Krishna Kumar, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Chandel; Dr. IM Singh, Joint Director, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre and Nodal Officer of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan, Chandel; Dr. Deepak Singh, Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK Chandel; Kh. Surchandra Singh, Joint Director, District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, Chandel; Ts. Gladny Monsang, District Agriculture Officer, Chandel and Honey Chara, District Officer,  Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Chandel.

In the training Session, topic on Bee keeping, Mushroom Cultivation and Nutrition Gardening and awareness programme for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY), which is one of the flagship schemes of the Government of India that provides comprehensive crop insurance to the farmers against crop yield losses caused due to various natural calamities and other mis-happenings were conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s experts. Thereafter the training, an interaction programme was also conducted with the farmers along with technical experts namely Dr. A. Ameeta Devi, ACTO (Animal Science), Dr. Y. Prabhabati Devi, ACTO (Home Science), Ts. Leenda Monsang, ACTO (Plant Breeding), Th. Motilal Singh, ACTO (Agriculture Extension) of KVK Chandel and  Dr. N. Johnson Singh, ACTO  (Plant Protection), KVK Churachandpur.

The training was also attended by Dr. K. Sonamani Singh, ACTO (Agriculture Engineering), Kamei Super, Technical officer (Farm) and D. Doungel, Technical Officer (Computer) of KVK Chandel. The training was attended by more than 150 farmers from Modi and Hnatham village.

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